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Metro Lines
 | Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya Linia |
Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya Linia – is the first line of Petersburg metro appeared in 1955. It connects the south-western city area (Kirovsky District) with its northern parts (Kalininsky and Vyborgsky Districts). The 29,6 km long line consists of 19 stations:
Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya Linia |
Constructed in 1961, Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya Linia is the second line of Petersburg metro that run from northern city parts (Vyborgsky District) to the southern districts (Moskovsky District and Kupchino). 27,9 km long, the Linia which is assigned Blue on the map consists of 17 station:
 | Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Linia |
Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Linia is the shortest line of Petersburg metro (20,6 km) that, running under the Nevsky prospect, comes from the western city part (Vasileostrovsky District) to the south-western part of the city (Nevsky District). The Line, which is assigned Green on the map, consists of 10 stations of functional design, 6 of them built on the "horizontal lift" principle:
 | Pravoberezhnaya Linia |
Pravoberezhnaya Linia is the newest line of Petersburg metro (21,4 km) that comes from the north-eastern side of the river Neva (Primorsky District) through the city centre to south-western part of the city (Nevsky District). The Line, which is assigned Orange on the metro map, consists of 12 stations: