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Saint-Petersburg Metro
Saint-Petersburg is a big city which means that sooner or later you're going to make use of its cheap and relatively efficient public transport system. As well as there are trams, buses and trolley buses, there is the fast metro network - a convenient, reliable and rapid means of transport.
The history of its foundation dates back to 1893 when the engineer Peter Balinsky worked out the first project of the Petersburg underground railway, but the actual decision of constructing the metro network was made only in 1930.
Since that time the city metro system has been developing dynamically, its history is full of fascinating facts and figures and nowadays there are 58 stations forming four lines - Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya Linia (assigned Red on the metro map), Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya Linia (assigned Blue on the map), Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Linia (assigned Green on the map), Pravoberezhnaya Linia (assigned Orange on the map).
Covering most city pasts, St.Petersburg metro takes thousands of passengers from one part of the city to the other every day, during the rush hours becoming terribly teeming - so tourists who are not clued up at least on some metro regulations may be stunned and horrified. But nevertheless we advise you to use this means of transport and the proposal to linger in the metro should not seem too strange given the beauty of the platforms' and vestibules' decor. St.Petersburg metro system with each station boasting its own identity and style is one of the world's most spectacular examples of underground architecture. All sorts of marble, granite, metal and ceramics were used to decorate the stations adorned with various sculptures, benches, lamps and columns. So if you are willing to plunge into a swim in real life, welcome to the deepest underground system in the world!